VFS held its annual Customer Service and Safety Day in March. The event is held each year and involves all 130+ VFS employees. The VFS team spends the day learning about customer service, safety and team building.
This year’s events focused on five areas:
- Road Safety
- Orange Police Department Active Shooter Training
- General Safety Training
- Customer Service Training
- Team Building exercises
The VFS safety program has a superior record of success in every way it can be measured. We recognize that the work we do can be extremely dangerous and our goal is to make the safety of our employees and clients a top priority. Along with our annual safety event, VFS conducts weekly and monthly safety meetings along with weekly surprise on-site safety inspections. In addition, EVERY company employee from field to office is required to participate in monthly Safety Toolbox Topics.
When it comes to safety, VFS has one of the lowest Experience Modification Rates in the fire & life safety industry. The reason for that is because we take safety very seriously. The Experience Modification Rate (EMR) has a strong impact on businesses. It is a number used by insurance companies to gauge both past cost of injuries and future chances of risk. An EMR of 1.0 is considered the industry average.
VFS Experience Modification Rate:
2016: 0.63
2015: 0.76
2014: 0.92
2013: 0.98
VFS is proud of our safety record and will continue to make safety a priority for our team and our clients.