
Just for fun, we thought we would test your knowledge about some of the Fire Sprinkler Codes. See how well you do!

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Inspections of the fire sprinkler system – Alarm Devices?

A. Quarterly            B. Semiannually             C. Annually

Answer: A. NFPA 25 section 5.2.6 requires that you inspect your fire sprinkler alarm devices quarterly. 

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Inspections of the fire sprinkler system – Hangers/Seismic Bracing – from floor level?

A. Quarterly            B. Semiannually             C. Annually

Answer: C. NFPA 25 section 5.2.3 requires that you inspect your Hangers/Seismic bracing from floor level annually.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Inspections of the fire sprinkler system – Hydraulic Nameplates?

A. Quarterly            B. Semiannually             C. Annually

Answer: A. NFPA 25 section 5.2.7 requires that you inspect your Hydraulic Nameplates quarterly.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Testing of the fire sprinkler system – Main Drain?

A. Quarterly            B. Semiannually             C. Annually

Answer: C. NFPA 25 section 12.2.6 requires that you test your Main Drains annually.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Inspections of the fire sprinkler system – Fire Department Connections?

A. Quarterly            B. Semiannually             C. Annually

Answer: A. NFPA 25 section 12.7.1 requires that you inspect your Fire Department Connections quarterly.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Testing of Fast Response – fire sprinkler heads?

A. At 10 years            B. At 20 years            C. At 20 years & every 10 years after

Answer: C. NFPA 25 section requires that you routinely test your fast response fire sprinkler heads at 20 years and every 10 years after that.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Testing of Extra-high Temperature – fire sprinkler heads?

A. Every 5 years            B. Every 10 years            C. Every 20 years

Answer: A. NFPA 25 section requires that you routinely test extra-high temperature fire sprinkler heads every 5 years.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Testing for the fire sprinkler pump – Operation No-flow Condition?

A. Weekly            B. Quarterly            C. Annually

Answer: A. NFPA 25 section 8.3.1 requires that you routinely test for the fire sprinkler pump operation “No-Flow Condition” weekly.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Testing for the fire sprinkler pump – Operation Flow Condition?

A. Weekly            B. Quarterly            C. Annually

Answer: C. NFPA 25 section requires that you routinely test for fire sprinkler pump “Operation Flow Condition” annually.

  1. What is the minimum requirement for the routine Inspections of a foam-water sprinkler system – Foam Concentrate Strainer(s)

A. Weekly            B. Quarterly            C. Annually

Answer: B. NFPA 25 section requires that you routinely inspect foam-water sprinkler system “Foam Concentrate Strainer(s)” quarterly.

Remember that VFS is here to help you manage this process.  Contact us today to learn more about our inspection programs!
Please note that all inspection and testing frequencies / requirements are based on NFPA 25 Standards and different states may have an amendment to the NFPA 25 Standard.