Save Time & Money with VFS
Are any of the following items important to you?
- Receiving your inspection reports on the same day as the inspection?
- Viewing your inspection reports from any computer, tablet or smart phone?
- Reviewing & approving repair quotes electronically within 24 hours of the inspection?
- View your Entire Portfolio inspection results (Pass or Fail) on one screen?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the LiNC Inspection System from VFS is for you!
The LiNC Inspection System from VFS is a unique, streamlined inspection management system that saves you time and money. LiNC allows you to manage your entire portfolio’s fire inspection requirements, from your laptop, smartphone or tablet. This automated web-based reporting and management system gives you immediate access to your inspection reports 24/7, 365 days a year. VFS bar codes and scans every device to record client’s inspection, testing, and maintenance activity. Information is then sent directly to the VFS webpage portal where you can access, view and print your inspection reports the SAME day the inspection was performed. In addition, if deficiencies are found during an inspection, LiNC will email you a repair quote within 24 hours of the inspection. The best part about the LiNC system is that it is all web based. NO software is needed and the system is available to all VFS clients at NO additional charge.
VFS LiNC Inspection Reports allow you to:
- View all of your inspection, testing and maintenance reports from your computer, iPad or smart phone.
- Retrieve and Print your reports at any time 24/7, 365 days a year.
- Put an end to misplaced/lost inspections & deficiency reports!
- Access all reports via an on-line database for a minimum of 5 years.
- Be ready for a Fire Department “surprise” inspection any time!
- Be ready for an Insurance audit at any time!
- Manage your inspection schedules since all notifications and reminders are sent automatically to VFS clients.
- Replace all handwritten inspection forms with clear and concise on-line reports.
- Budget and Forecast 1 year, 3 year, 5 year and 10 year upgrades and repairs.
- Access the VFS portal at NO additional charge!
Learn more about LiNC Inspection systems from VFS!